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Ikigai: the samurai's pillar for a meaningful life
Ikigai (Life Purpose): A Samurai Way to Find Meaning and Peace What is Ikigai and Why is it Relevant Today The concept...
Tatemae and Honne in the Context of Bushido
What are Tatemae and Honne? Tatemae (建前) and Honne (本音) are two concepts deeply rooted in Japanese culture. Tatemae can be translated as "facade" or "front"...
Satori Gyo: The path of enlightenment and discipline
Satori Gyo: The Discipline that Leads to Enlightenment The life of the samurai, in feudal Japan, was governed by strict codes of conduct and...
Kata: The key to comprehensive training
Kata: Fundamentals and Purpose in Martial Training Kata (型 or 形), meaning "form" in Japanese, represents a series of pre-established movements and postures...
Seika Tanden: Samurai Philosophy for Life
Seika Tanden: The Energy Center in Martial Arts and Life The Seika Tanden is the vital energy center located in the...
Kaishaku in Modern Budo: Lessons in Mutual Respect
Kaishaku: Act of Assistance in Seppuku and its Significance in Life and Budo Kaishaku is an act deeply rooted in tradition...
Yūgen in martial arts: The value of the intangible
The Essence of Yūgen: Beauty and Hidden Depth Yūgen (幽玄) is a Japanese concept that translates as “mysterious depth” and evokes the idea of...
Mizu no Kokoro: Adaptability in Martial Arts
The Essence of Mizu no Kokoro: Mind Like Water Mizu no Kokoro, which literally translates as “mind like water,” is a profound Japanese philosophy...
Giri: The Moral Duty that Guides the True Warrior
The Depth of Giri in Life and Martial Arts Giri: The Concept That Transcends Time The term giri is generally translated as...
On: Gratitude and Responsibility in the Samurai Life
On: A Philosophy of Life Based on Gratitude On: The Soul of Samurai Gratitude The Japanese word On (恩) represents one of the...
In-Yo: Applying Harmony in the Dojo and Life
In-Yo (Yin and Yang): The Essence of Balance in Life and Martial Arts In-Yo (Yin and Yang), an ancient concept of Chinese origin,...
Kokoro in Japanese Martial Arts and Samurai Life
The Power of Kokoro: Inner Strength for Adversity In budo and Japanese martial arts, the concept of kokoro goes beyond...
Satori: The Spiritual Awakening of the Modern Warrior
Satori and the Inner Warrior: Awakening Consciousness What is Satori and How it Relates to the Warrior The Concept of Satori In the...
Shoshin: key to mastering the art of the sword
Shoshin: A Philosophy of Humility and Openness Shoshin, translated from Japanese as “beginner’s mind,” is a concept that encourages openness and openness in one’s life.
Gaman in Martial Arts: Active Perseverance
What Is Gaman? The Silent Fortress of the Samurai Gaman (我慢) is a Japanese concept of perseverance, patience, and self-control, characteristic of the samurai mentality....