gensei ryu karate

Gensei-Ryu Karate: A Perennial Legacy in the Martial Arts

Written by: Kazeiro



Reading time 4 min

Gensei-Ryu Karate is one of the most distinctive forms of karate originating in Japan. Founded by Seiken Shukumine (1925-2001), this style is characterized by its dynamic approach and innovative techniques. This article explores in depth the origins, philosophy, techniques and global influence of Gensei-Ryu, offering a comprehensive perspective on this fascinating martial art.

Foundation and Founders

Gensei-Ryu Karate was founded in 1953 by Grandmaster Seiken Shukumine. Born in Okinawa, Shukumine began training in Tode (the old name for karate) at a young age. He was influenced by various styles of karate, as well as by the martial art of Taido, which he later developed himself. Gensei-Ryu is the result of his experience and his unique vision of martial arts.

Gensei Ryu Karate Name Meaning

The name "Gensei-Ryu" comes from two Japanese ideograms: “Gensei”, which means “illusion” or “ghost”, and “Ryu”, which translates as “style” or “school”. The entire term reflects Shukumine's philosophy of a karate that is both elusive in its execution and profound in its spiritual and technical meaning.

Principles of Gensei-Ryu Karate

This style focuses on speed, efficiency and adaptability. Emphasis is placed on movements that are both natural and surprising, achieving a balance between defense and attack. Additionally, Gensei-Ryu promotes the importance of spiritual development along with physical development, reflecting the philosophy of Okinawan martial arts.

Techniques and Features

Gensei-Ryu techniques are notable for their creativity and effectiveness. Incorporates unique katas, some created by Shukumine himself, which include agile movements and spectacular jumps. He also stands out for his focus on foot strikes, mobility and breathing techniques, which are critical to executing powerful and precise movements.

World Distribution

Since its creation, Gensei-Ryu has expanded beyond Japan, gaining practitioners around the world. Today, it is found in countries such as the United States, Spain, Brazil, and others, with federations and organizations dedicated to promoting this style. The globalization of Gensei-Ryu has allowed it to adapt and evolve in different cultures, maintaining its original essence.

Influence and Legacy

Gensei-Ryu is not only a style of karate, but also a cultural legacy. Influences other forms of martial art and in the way Japanese martial arts are perceived in general. Its emphasis on adaptability and efficiency makes it relevant in the modern martial arts context, where versatility is key.

Philosophy and Teaching

In addition to physical techniques, Gensei-Ryu also focuses on teaching values ​​such as respect, humility and perseverance. These principles are fundamental in the training of any practitioner and reflect the philosophical depth of karate as a whole.

Gensei-Ryu Karate is a style that encapsulates the essence of traditional martial arts while embracing innovation. Through its history, techniques and philosophy, continues to inspire generations of karatekas around the world. His legacy endures as a testament to the ingenuity and passion of his founder, Seiken Shukumine, and as a pillar in the world of karate.

Gensei Ryu Karate Video

Where to train Gensei Ryu Karate in Spain?

In Spain, those interested in training Gensei-Ryu Karate can go to the Gensei-Ryu Karate-Do Association Spain, which is dedicated to preserving and promoting this style of karate. This association was founded in 1999 and is a follower of the legacy of Master Hiromichi Kohata, who was a pioneer of Gensei-Ryu Karate in Spain. The Gensei-Ryu style is characterized by its fluid movements and naturalness in its techniques, and although it is not the school with the largest number of practitioners, it enjoys great recognition both in Japan and in the rest of the world. .

For more information or to join, you can contact the Gensei-Ryu Karate-Do Spain Association via email: In addition, on his website,, you can find details about his activities, events and news related to Gensei-Ryu Karate in Spain.

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Author: Kazeiro

Kazeiro is the administrator of this website and 7th dan shihan of Takaharu Tenshin Ryu. He has over 45 years of experience practicing traditional Japanese martial arts. He is the writer of the book: Vital Strategies of the Way of the Warrior and responsible for the Takaharu Tenshin Ryu school for the West.

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