
Bushido, the Way of the Warrior: Makoto (誠) - Absolute Honesty and Sincerity

Written by: Kazeiro



Reading time 4 min

Between the Sword and the Truth: Exploring Makoto's Role in the Martial Arts

Makoto (誠) – Absolute Honesty and Sincerity, constitutes a cornerstone of the Bushido, the ethical and moral code that governed the conduct of samurai in feudal Japan. This precept transcends mere truth in communication to embrace integrity in each act, reflecting total congruence between thought, word and deed. At the core of Bushido, Makoto not only dictated standards of ethical behavior, but symbolized unwavering commitment to authenticity and loyalty to oneself and others. By delving into the meaning and application of Makoto, we explore how this essential value shaped the life of the samurai and how its principles can be applied in our contemporary lives, from personal to professional contexts.

Etymology of Makoto

The Japanese term Makoto, which encapsulates the notions of honesty and absolute sincerity, comes from a deep linguistic tradition that enriches its meaning beyond simple truth. Written in kanji as 誠, the concept of Makoto implies complete fidelity to the truth, not only in what is said, but in how it is lived. The ideogram combines elements that suggest both word and action, emphasizing that true honesty implies coherence between what is said and what is done. In Japanese culture, this concept is not only fundamental to understanding Bushido, but also to guiding behavior in a variety of social contexts, reinforcing the importance of personal and collective integrity.

Use of Makoto in Martial Arts

Within the martial arts, the virtue of Makoto underscores a commitment to authenticity that goes beyond technical skill. Practitioners of disciplines such as Aikido, Karate and Iaido strive to reflect honesty and sincerity in every movement and decision. This principle not only governs actions in combat, but also extends to personal development and respect for others. Makoto's presence in the dojo promotes a culture where sincerity is considered as crucial as physical prowess, strengthening the bond between practitioners and elevating the martial art to a form of spiritual and moral development.

Makoto in Battles

In the context of historical battles, the virtue of Makoto It turned out to be essential for the samurai. A warrior whose conduct was guided by absolute honesty and sincerity was viewed with great respect and trust, as his commitment to Makoto guaranteed his reliability in critical situations. This integrity not only affected individual performance in combat, but also strengthened the cohesion and effectiveness of the entire group of combatants, creating a formidable block united by mutual trust and shared honor.

Makoto in Interpersonal Relationships

In the area of ​​interpersonal relationships, Makoto plays a crucial role in building strong and lasting bonds. In a society where honor and loyalty prevail, sincerity in every interaction is essential to building trust and respect. This principle goes beyond truthfulness in speech; involves constant alignment with the ethical and moral values ​​that guide people in their family relationships, friendships, and professional encounters.

Makoto in Everyday Life

Apply Makoto In daily life it means living with a constant commitment to truth and integrity. From the simplest to the most complex decisions, practicing sincerity in every action strengthens character and promotes a more authentic and satisfying existence. This constant search for personal truth and consistency in everyday life can lead to greater harmony and contentment in relationships and the broader community.

Makoto in the Company

To integrate Makoto in the business environment it can revolutionize the way business is done. Cultivating an environment where honesty predominates can transform the internal dynamics of a company, improving employee morale and strengthening trust with customers and partners. This commitment to sincerity and integrity in all operations not only ensures fair business practices, but also enhances the reputation and long-term success of the organization.

Makoto at Work

The practice of Makoto in the workplace means performing all tasks with a genuine commitment to excellence, fairness and honesty. Adopting this principle not only improves the quality of work performed, but also promotes a work culture of respect, loyalty and collaboration. These values ​​are essential for the personal development of employees and for the continued and sustainable success of any organization.

The Book 'The Way of the Warrior'

The book Bushido no Seikatsu Senryaku by Kazeiro offers an in-depth exploration of how the principles of Bushido, especially those of Takaharu Tenshin Ryu, can be incorporated into modern life. This essential text provides practical guidance for those interested in applying these ancient values, not only in the personal arena, but also in professional and business contexts, demonstrating how the ancient wisdom of the warrior's path can illuminate and guide contemporary life.


Author: Kazeiro

Writer: Kazeiro

Kazeiro is the administrator of this website and 7th dan shihan of Takaharu Tenshin Ryu. He has over 45 years of experience practicing traditional Japanese martial arts. He is the writer of the book: Vital Strategies of the Way of the Warrior and responsible for the Takaharu Tenshin Ryu school for the West.

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